The Glory Field follows the lives of The Lewis Family of South Carolina through the generations beginning with Muhummad Bilal in the time of slavery(1753) and ending with Malcolm Lewis in 1994.


This blog is being created by Division 2 at Bayview Community School.

Scroll down to read many interesting facts in all the posts on Slavery, South Carolina, Jim Crow Laws, The Civil Rights Movement, Reverend Martin Luther King and The Glory Field. Keep on checking this blog for new updates on the The Glory Field and social developments following the time line of The Glory Field.

At the bottom of this blog read a summary of the novel, The Glory Field.

Don't forget to check out the students' links and read their blog scrapbooks. They contain many thoughts and feelings about the novel and virtual artifacts from the different times and places, and social events based on The Glory Field.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Long Walk Home by Robyn

In the movie The Long Walk Home starring Sissy Spacek and Whoppi Goldberg, the part that I liked the most was when all of the black people joined hands and started singing. I thought that was really special because they were standing up for their civil rights, that moment made me feel happy for them. I didn't like the part when the three white boys beat up thay black girl, but I liked it when another black boy came running up to the white boys to stand up for the black girl, even thought he got badly hurt. I thought it was really brave of him to do that.

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