The Glory Field follows the lives of The Lewis Family of South Carolina through the generations beginning with Muhummad Bilal in the time of slavery(1753) and ending with Malcolm Lewis in 1994.


This blog is being created by Division 2 at Bayview Community School.

Scroll down to read many interesting facts in all the posts on Slavery, South Carolina, Jim Crow Laws, The Civil Rights Movement, Reverend Martin Luther King and The Glory Field. Keep on checking this blog for new updates on the The Glory Field and social developments following the time line of The Glory Field.

At the bottom of this blog read a summary of the novel, The Glory Field.

Don't forget to check out the students' links and read their blog scrapbooks. They contain many thoughts and feelings about the novel and virtual artifacts from the different times and places, and social events based on The Glory Field.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Emitt Till 2 facts...Jinu...

1.Washington,D.C. About 200,000 people join the March on Washington. Congregating at the Lincoln Memorial, participants listen as Martin Luther King dilivers his famous "I Have a Dream"speech.

2.On August 20th 1955, Marnie Till-Bradley of Chicago puts her only child, 14-year old, black Chkcago youth, Emmett Louis Till on a train to visit relatives Money, Mississippi. In a week's time, Emmett is adbucted from his great-unclehome, tortured and murdered for whisting at a white woman in public. Two men, Roy Bryant and J.W.Milarn would confess to the murder to reporter, William Bradford Huie for $4,000. 'Double Jeopardy Rule,' prevented them from being tried again.

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