The Glory Field follows the lives of The Lewis Family of South Carolina through the generations beginning with Muhummad Bilal in the time of slavery(1753) and ending with Malcolm Lewis in 1994.


This blog is being created by Division 2 at Bayview Community School.

Scroll down to read many interesting facts in all the posts on Slavery, South Carolina, Jim Crow Laws, The Civil Rights Movement, Reverend Martin Luther King and The Glory Field. Keep on checking this blog for new updates on the The Glory Field and social developments following the time line of The Glory Field.

At the bottom of this blog read a summary of the novel, The Glory Field.

Don't forget to check out the students' links and read their blog scrapbooks. They contain many thoughts and feelings about the novel and virtual artifacts from the different times and places, and social events based on The Glory Field.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2 civil rights key events (Will)

2 Civil Rights Key Events (Will)
1: Two students from a university sat in a lunch counter and was refused service, but they start a sit in and refused to leave.

2: An African-American named Rosa Parks sat down in the colored section of a bus and refused to give up her spot to a white person, and this therefore started a boycott in that area.

2 civil rights key events (Will)

2 Civil Rights Key Events (Will)
1: Two students from a university sat in a lunch counter and was refused service, but they start a sit in and refused to leave.

2: An African-American named Rosa Parks sat down in the colored section of a bus and refused to give up her spot to a white person, and this therefore started a boycott in that area.

2 civil rights key events (Will)

2 Civil Rights Key Events (Will)
1: Two students from a university sat in a lunch counter and was refused service, but they start a sit in and refused to leave.

2: An African-American named Rosa Parks sat down in the colored section of a bus and refused to give up her spot to a white person, and this therefore started a boycott in that area.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Emmet Till poll opinion (will)

i agree because then that made history and alot of people where touched by this boy's story. It inspired these people to start sit ins, and was a big boost for the civil rights movement.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I disagree(Emitt Till)

I disagree because after that case, maybe, they feel they don't have any power. Maybe they will be become too afraid. I think most of them don't want to die like Emitt Till.

Emmitt Louis Till Poll, Opinion-Louis

I agree because these whites had to know what they have done to this black boy because of only different color

Emmitt Till Louis Opinion-Louis

I was very infurriated to white people who murdered a black boy after I watched this movie. The difference between blacks and whites is only color ,no difference. I think these people in movie who murdered this boy is a not person because people can't do that terrible thing to another human being. Only because a black boy touched whites, whites tortured and murdered that boy. I feel good to black boy's mom because she showed how these whites treated this black because only the colr is different. I think because she showed that to whoe world how black is treated, whites began to feel immoral to treat black like that. I felt even proud of this black mom.

Emitt Till: Opinion... Jinu

I really didn't enjoy Emitt Till movie because it was so terrible, even it made me close my eyes. When it shows Emitt Till's face, I was almost shocked. He lost his 1 eye, other on his cheek, chopped head... it was disgusting and it was tragic. I can not believe that people (who killed Emitt Till) could done that kind of thing. I also can not believe that people's face can be changed like that. I can not understand what's so good with whites.(This is just my opinion but if there is segregation, whites should be segregated by blacks.) In my opinion, this case was one of the most important thing in the black's history.

Emitt Till 2 facts...Jinu...

1.Washington,D.C. About 200,000 people join the March on Washington. Congregating at the Lincoln Memorial, participants listen as Martin Luther King dilivers his famous "I Have a Dream"speech.

2.On August 20th 1955, Marnie Till-Bradley of Chicago puts her only child, 14-year old, black Chkcago youth, Emmett Louis Till on a train to visit relatives Money, Mississippi. In a week's time, Emmett is adbucted from his great-unclehome, tortured and murdered for whisting at a white woman in public. Two men, Roy Bryant and J.W.Milarn would confess to the murder to reporter, William Bradford Huie for $4,000. 'Double Jeopardy Rule,' prevented them from being tried again.

emmett till

i chose "i agree" because i think that the world should have seen the body of this boy and how disfigured his body was a very sad story......


Emmett Louis Till Opinion

When I heard gina said "Jim Crow Law is real famous and most block people and white people knows him", I didn't have actual feeling. But, when I saw this movie, I had a actual feeling.


Emmet Till Opinion

I agree with the open cast funeral.

Just because Emmet whistled at a white women, doesn't mean he should die for it. This open cast funeral showed everyone what people would do just because of segregation. The image of the 14 year old boy was horrible. The two men overkilled him, and everyone should see the concequenses of such unfair actions. I dont see how these two mean could live with themselves.

2 Civil Right Key Events -Thomas-

(Little Rock,Ark.) Formerly all-white central high schools learns that integration is easier said then done. Nine black students are blocked from entering the school on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. President Eisenhower send federal troops and the national Guard to intervene on behalf of the students, who become known as "The Little Rock Nine"

It must have been very hard for these 9 students because they were the only 9 black students in the all white high school. They weren't even let inside. I wonder what the teachers were doing. I would have tryed to find a way to help them.


Martin Luther King is arrested and jailed during anti-segregation protests in Birmingham, Alabama. He writes his seminal "Letter from Birmingham Jail" arguing that individuals have the moral duty to disobey unjust laws.

Martin Luther King was a brilliant man, he had the "I have a Dream" Speech, which he had 200,000 people listen to. The fact that he would get thrown into jail for trying to stop Segretgation shows how hard it would be to make things better. He had helped many people.

Thomas' 2 Jim Crow Laws


Texas: Negroes are to be served through a separate branch or branches of the county free library, which shall be administered by a custodian of the negro race under the supervision of the county librarian.

I believe everyone should have the right to read and get books anywhere they want.
Education is the most important thing in a person's life.


Mississippi: There shall be maintained by the governing authorities of every hospital maintained by the state for treatment of white and colored patients separate entrances for white and colored patients and visitors, and such entrances shall be used by the race only for which they are prepared.

It seems so unfair to me that a person's color of skin would affect the quality of the medical care they recieve. Segregation was a big part of the past, but everyone should be able to go though any door they liked if it was for their health.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

2 Jim Crow Laws ~Robyn

Florida: Any negro man and white woman, or any white man and negro woman, who are not married to each other, who habitually live in and occupy in the nighttime the same room, shall each be punished by imprisonment not exceeding 12 months, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

Georgia: No colored barber shall serve as a barber to white women or girls.


In 'The Long Walk Home', starring Sissy Spacek and Whoppi Goldberg, the bus part affected me by hitting and chasing black. When a black woman rode the bus, whites bothered her. When she got off the bus, whites followed her and hit her. Her brother tried to help his sister but whites kicked him and punched him. I felt terrible when white kicked the black's brother. Should they kick that little child? In my opinion, whites don't have right to kick or hit blacks.

Emmitt Till Louis Movie

This movie is very good movie to learn how strong was Jim Crow Laws.
Also, it helps to have bad dream because it has some terrible story.

If you are brave, watch it!
If you are timid, don't watch it!

To me, I am timid

Emmit (kitty kait)

Emitt's mom showed her son's dead and torcherd body to public. Wich I agree with because It shows what whites can do to blacks.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Opinion for the movie

That movie made me horrible. Because when they explane like the black person's one side of eye is missing, and another side's eye is on his cheek, like that, I thought that white people is so crazy and I hate that person. I think the white peoples are sacrifice, so we can live very well.


2 Civil Rights key events from Emmitt Louis Till Time Line.

1.The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans couold exersize they're right to vote. It wanted a new division (Civil Rights Division) within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses. The Civil Rights act of 1957 was inspired by the murder of Emmet Louis Till.

2. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstuction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discriminationof all kinds based on race, colour, religion or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.


2 Civil Rights key events from Emmitt Louis Till Time Line.

1.The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans couold exersize they're right to vote. It wanted a new division (Civil Rights Division) within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses. The Civil Rights act of 1957 was inspired by the murder of Emmet Louis Till.

2. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstuction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discriminationof all kinds based on race, colour, religion or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.


What kind of man was Muhummad Bilal?

I chose survivor because in slave ship, it will bw like so yuck, and I think it will be like a hell to slave. They give a little tiny bit of food and little tinny bit of water. Even white man is whipping them. But, Muhammud was alive, so, I chose survivor.


A Long Walk Home-Louis

I was impressed by black people because if there is something really they want, they tried to get it in a peaceful way, not with force. If they desire for something, even though it is hard, they first put into action, not just talk. It is very hard not to ride buses, but they put into practice. They cooperated each other. Also i was impressed by that white girl because in that time all whithes hated blacks, but she helped blacks. She didn't care what whites think, but she did a right thing. Once again, I was really impressed that blacks always not use force to get something, but they use peoceful ways.


Emmitt Louis Till Opinion

This movie is very good movie to learn how strong was Jim Crow Laws.
Also, it helps to have bad dream because it has some terrible story.

If you are brave, watch it!
If you are timid, don't watch it!

To me, I am a timid.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Do you think that Emmet Louis Till's mother was right to have an open casket public funeral? - Shauna

I think she was right to having an open casket public funeral. This is because to show him how looks like just what happen to him. But it was so terrible and sad. However I also think to right to have an open casket to the two men who were killed him.

2 Civil Rights Key Events - Shauna

1. Civil Rights Act of 1957. The 1957 Civil Rights Act is passed during the Eisenhower administration starting the civil rights legilative programme that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights act and the 1964 Voting Rights Act.

The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans couold exersize they're right to vote. It wanted a new division (Civil Rights Division) within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses. The Civil Rights act of 1957 was inspired by the murder of Emmet Louis Till.

2. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstuction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discriminationof all kinds based on race, colour, religion or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.

Emmitt Louis Till opinion about the movie by- Shauna

I think Emmitt Louis Till movie was so so terrible and horrible and sad. I can not imagine this movie! I think his mom was heart-break how can she imagine this happen when she foud out her son and when she saw him. If I was his mother then I will be in a very very bad condition. It makes me so stupid. Just because fo their skin colors...

Opinion for the movie ~Robyn

I thought that the movie was heart-breaking.It was so sad for the mother. If I was her I would've cried and cried.When they showed the picture of what Emmitt Till looked like when he was dead it was horrifying,the mom started explaining what the two white men had done.They cut his head in half when he was dead, the shot him in the head, took both eyeballs out, cut off his tongue, and cut off his ears.It was so gruesome. I felt so sorry for Emmitt's mom. The two white people were so mean. I feel so sorry for what has happened to Emmitt.

What kind of man was Muhammad Bilal? ~Robyn

I chose survivor because he managed to live on a slave ship for a long time.
The ship was full of bad smells, that would make you throw up, you would have people dieing around you, and the white people only fed you once a day and gave you water twice a day. Muhammad was a real survivor. I couldn't have survived that. It would be too smelly, and horrifying.

How did you feel when Lizzy ran away with Joshua and Lem? ~Robyn

I felt scared for Lizzy because I didn't know what was going to happen to her.
But I also felt happy for Lizzy because she faced her fears and ran away. She was brave to run away.
I would've been scared running away because you never know what could happen to you and the people you're running away with. She had a lot of courage.

How did Elijah become a man? ~Robyn

I think that Elijah became a man by rescuing little David.
I think that really made Elijah a man because that's a big thing to do. It must've been hard to rescue him.

Do you think that Emmit Louis Till's mother was right to have an open casket public funeral? ~Robyn

I thought the mother was right to have an open casket funeral because she was showing people what these white people had done, just because he whistled at the white woman.
It must've been heart-breaking to the mom because it was her dead son.
The mom, I think was really brave because it would've been hard to have an open casket funeral.
I would've said no. It would be too hard. I really like the mom for that. She was really brave.

Baylee- Timeline

(Greensboro, N.C.) Four black students from North Carolina Agriculture and Technical College begin a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. Although they are refused service, they are allowed to sit at the counter. The event triggers many similar non-violent protests throughout the South. Six months later, the original four protesters are served lunch at the same Woolworth's counter. Student sit-ins would be effective throughout the Deep South in integrating parks, swimming pools, theatres, libraries, and other public facilities.

I really liked how they started some non-violent protests- it goes to show that violent methods arent always the most effective.


(Washington, D.C.) About 200,000 people join the March on Washington. Congregating at the Lincoln Memorial, participants listen as Martin Luther King delivers his famous, 'I Have a Dream' speech.

That would be amazing to see that speech in person! So many people supported the civil rights movement; 200,000 people!

Baylee- Opinion on the Emmett Till Movie

I thought the movie was very, very frightening and sad. It made me wish people werent so stupid! It really affected me and made me wish I could do something about all of this racism and idiocy. I couldnt stop talking about it afterwards. How can the murderers live with themselves?

Baylee- I Agree With the Open Casket

I completely agree and support Emmet's mother with her choice to have an open casket funeral. However so unpleasant, the image of this mangled 14 year old boy's body would stick in your mind for a long time- possibly for the rest of your life- when most words are in one ear and out the other. "She made America deal with its ugly racial problem." (quote from the movie)

What I Thought About the Movie-Liana

I felt terrible for Emmet Till. Just because he whistled to a white woman, he got tortured and killed. The way he was killed was horrifying! I wish that white woman wouldn't have told her husband, because then Emmet wouldn't have been killed. I think her husbad just freaked out over the fact that a black person whistled to his wife. I felt really bad for Emmet's parents. They must have felt so sad and angry at the people who were responsible for her son's death. I can't believe the men who killed Emmet had nothing done to them. They weren't even put in jail! Emmet's parents must feel so angry about that. Emmet was just 14 and he was killed for whistling at a white woman.

Do You Think Emmet Till's Mother Should Have Had the Casket Open?-Liana

I think Emmet Till's mother should have had the casket open because it showed tons of people what happened to Emmet just because he whistled to a white woman. Just because he did that, he got tortured and killed. I also think by having the casket open, it showed what two men could do to a 14 year old.

What I thought about the movie (Emmitt Till)-Kellsz.

I think Emmitt's movie was heart-wrentching.
I can't imagine how Emmitt's mother felt when she found out what happened to her son and when she saw him, she must have been a strong person to be so determinded to see her son in very bad condition. It is so sad that Emmitt was over-tortured just because she /wolf/ whislted to a white woman.
I think the person to blame for all this treachery (sp?) is the white woman, if she hadn't just blabbed off to her husband none of this would have happened.

What I though about the movie~Alicia

I think it was horrible the way they treated Emmett Till. I can not believe how much they torchered him from one whisle. I mean the way they torchered him was something you could not even believe was happening. It was horrible. I could not imagine what his parents had to go through. To have to see what kind of things people did to a 14 year old boy back then.

Do you think that Emmet Louis Till's mother was right to have an open casket public funeral??? Alicia

I think it was right to have an open casket public funeral because then everybody could see what horribly stuff the white people did for things like a simple whistle. It makes me feel horrible of what they did to him.

Emmitt Till's poll.- Kellsz

I think that having an open casket public funeral was a sad, but reasonable choice because then all the people going to the open casket funeral would see what a white person was capable of, and what would happen if you whistled to a white person.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A fact on the civil rights movement. -will

In 1960, four black students sat at a table in a segregated lunch counter. They were not served, but sat down on those seats for the rest of the day. This triggered several other sit-ins as they are called, and nonviolent riots across the 'South'. Six months later the four protestors are served lunch at that same table. This is an example of how perservering the people who were involved in the civil rights act were.

Elijah became a man...... ~Thomas~

I believe Elijah became a man when he saved David. He risked his life for his grandparents and david. He could have gotten lost at sea. "We going to look for him out on the Key"(p.105).

2 Civil Rights Key Events-Liana

1. Civil Rights Act of 1957. The 1957 Civil Rights Act is passed during the Eisenhower administration starting the civil rights legilative programme that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights act and the 1964 Voting Rights Act.

The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans couold exersize they're right to vote. It wanted a new division (Civil Rights Division) within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses. The Civil Rights act of 1957 was inspired by the murder of Emmet Louis Till.

2. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstuction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discriminationof all kinds based on race, colour, religion or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The summary of 1964, (p.223~p.234) Chapter 2

Tommy and his parents are talking about college. Tommy's mom is nervous he is going to a white college "Remember this, child. You are not white and you cannot be cutting corners like white folks do"(p.223). A white boy named Skeeter gets bitten by a snake and needs to go to the hospital. Tommy and his dad take him, because Skeeter's parents are out for evening. While they are waiting, they start talking about college again, and about a march on Washington. "He was talking about a march for togetherness."(p.231)


The 2 Jim Crow Laws

Mississippi: Any person guilty of printing, publishing or circulating matter urging or presenting arguments in favor of social equality or of intermarriage between whites and negroes, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Alabama: No person or corporation shall require any white female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which negro men are placed.

The Long Walk Home

This story is about the Black people and white people's racial discrimination. I don't understand why people doesn't likes black people. Because black people is human, and white people is human too. Also, When white people hitting black person, it was so horrible. Because that boycott(?) was hitting older person then them, and they hit younger then them. I think they will protect the younger people. It is batter then hitting. When that part, I had so many shock


Emmitt Louis Till opinion. -Kellsz.

The untold story of Emmett Louis Till is horrifying.
Only because Emmett whistled to a white woman, he got tortured to death.
I mean, Emmett is only 14 years old and the men who beat him up we're probably around 20 years old.
I think the Jim Crow laws are devastating because people shouldn't be treated badly for their skin colour.
When Emmett's body was found and his mother wanted an to see her son, I was suprised.
If I was her, I would have not wanted to see his corpse because it would have been too heart breaking to see you're son dead.
When Emmett's mother decided to have an open funeral to show what a white person was capable of, I was suprised to hear so many people lined up to go to the funeral.
No one should be beaten to death for whistling.

2 Civil Rights Key events from Emmitt Till Link Timeline- Kellsz.

1. Civil Rights Act of 1957. The 1957 Civil Rights Act is passed during the Eisenhower administration starting the civil rights legilative programme that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights act and the 1964 Voting Rights Act.

The 1957 Civil Rights Bill aimed to ensure that all African Americans couold exersize they're right to vote. It wanted a new division (Civil Rights Division) within the federal Justice Department to monitor civil rights abuses. The Civil Rights act of 1957 was inspired by the murder of Emmet Louis Till.

2. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstuction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discriminationof all kinds based on race, colour, religion or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.

Emmet Till Story-Timeline

(Greensboro N.C.) Four black students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College begina sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. Although they refused service, they are allowed to stay at the counter. The event triggers many simalar nonviolent protests throughout the South. Six months later the original four protesters are served lunch at the same Woolworth's counter. Student sit-ins would be effective throughout the Deep South in intergrating parks, swimming pools, theaters, libraries, and other public facilities.

Timeline~ Emmitt Louis Till

(Little Rock, Ark.) Formerly all- White Central High School learns that intergration is easier said than done. Nine black students are blocked from entering the school on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. President Eisenhower sends federal troop and the National Graurd to intervene on behalf of the students who become known as the "Little Rock Nine".

Civil Rights Act of 1957. The 1957 Civil Rights Act is passed during the Eisenhower administration starting the civil rights legeslative programming that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Movie:Emmitt Till

His mom shouldn't show her son's body to the world because it might make black's depression.